
At Sprouting Sports, we teach 20 month-8 year olds the fundamentals of Soccer, T-Ball, Flag Football and Basketball. We do this by incorporating fun games and other techniques that allow your child to learn the skills and rules of the sport while still having FUN!!

Our goal is to not only teach the fundamentals, but also develop vital skills that are important for child growth and development, such as…

  • Coordination/Balance

  • Strength and Agility

  • Listening

  • Communication/Socialization

  • Independence

  • and Critical Thinking!

Our coaches are trained and have worked with children in various settings, and our curriculum is designed so that any child at any level can learn. 

** Click on the tab in the left hand corner to learn more about our programs, coaches, locations, and other offerings!!


Pricing Info

  • $120 for 5 weeks!!

  • All kids will receive an end of the season reward!

  • ** Click the drop down menu in the upper left hand corner for more information on all our programs!!

cancellation policy

  • Should a class need to be cancelled due to weather or field conditions, you will be notified via email.

  • A make-up class or a discount for a future session will be offered at that time.

    Other information

  • ALL required equipment will be provided for the programs. There is optional equipment that can be purchased through us, but is not required.

  • An email with information for the first day of classes will be sent out by 5pm the day before the class begins.

  • We communicate primarily via email and Facebook posts, so make sure to follow us on there if you can! We also recommend checking your spam folder if you’ve never received an email from us. We’ve had multiple cases of our emails getting sent there.

Suggestion box:

We want to know what you think! Feel free to send us any ideas, suggestions, feedback, etc that you may have! We greatly appreciate it!